SEE STEREO: Science, Education and 3D-Exploration, [meeting site]
2-3 May 2005, Hamburg Planetarium, Germany

Monday, 2 May 2005

Welcome and Introduction to Meeting Site T. Kraupe, V. Bothmer, M. Kaiser
Status Reports on the STEREO Mission:

- Program Scientist, NASA/HQ L. Guhathakurta
- Project Manager, NASA/GSFC N. Chrissotimos [pdf, ppt, w/movies]
- Project Manager, APL E. Reynolds [pdf, ppt, mpeg]
- Project Scientist, NASA/GSFC M. Kaiser
SECCHI status report A. Vourlidas [pdf, ppt]
IMPACT status report J. Luhmann [pdf, ppt]
PLASTIC status report A. Galvin [pdf, ppt]
SWAVES status report J.-L. Bougeret [pdf, ppt]
STEREO Science Center status W. Thompson [pdf, ppt]

Session on Space Weather Chair: D. Biesecker
1. Overview of current beacon status

- 2. Presentations of ideas that could be or will be useful 'operationally', i.e. use beacon data
- a. Data viewer-off
- i. Berghmans
- ii. Pick
- iii. Russell - Data Browsers for STEREO [pdf, ppt]
- b. Automated event detection
- i. Robbrecht - CACTus performance on STEREO beacon-data [pdf]
- ii. Podladchikova - EUV dimmings
- c. Modelling efforts
- i. Pizzo and Biesecker - Geometric Localization [pdf, ppt]
- d. Other topics?
- 3. M. Kaiser - SWAVES presentation on their Space Weather plan
- 4. F. Jansen - MuSTAnG Space Weather Muon Telescope
- 5. Round table discussion
- a. Review SWx ideas already known and add new ones
- b. What have we missed? What's nobody working on or what can be improved?
- c. Suggestions for content of SWxb chapter of STEREO book
- d. AOB

Tuesday, 3 May 2005

NASA Public Affairs Office plans R. Weintraub
Stereoscopy of SOHO data and 3-D Visualization Perspectives

V. Bothmer & MPS,

Christie Digital Systems,

Stereo-Visualization for SECCHI P. Liewer, Eric deJong
US STEREO Education and Outreach Activities

N. Craig [pdf, ppt, w/audio]
SECCHI 3-D Reconstructions A. Vourlidas [pdf, ppt]
3D Reconstruction of Coronal Large Scale Structures from LASCO-C2 Images

Y. Boursier, P. Lamy, A. Llebaria
The 3D structure of CMEs at the Sun - Implications for ICME properties

V. Bothmer, H. Cremades, D. Tripathi
Multipoint measurement interconnections with solar imaging [pdf, ppt]

J. Luhmann, A. Galvin
Stereoscopy with SWAVES M. Kaiser [pdf, ppt]
Simulated Images of the Streamer Belt Observed by LASCO-C2 Applied to the STEREO Mission

F. Saez, A. Llebaria, P. Lamy
Capabilities of coordinated white-light and radio wave observations

M. Pick [pdf, ppt, w/movies]
Forward Modeling of the 3D Structure of Polar Plumes

A. Llebaria, Y. Boursier, P. Lamy
SWAP, a third eye for STEREO D. Berghmans
Future meetings/workshops M. Kaiser [pdf, ppt, w/movies]